Restoration Day
Burn brush piles is there is snow
Schweitzer Ed Center Workday
Restoration Day
Burn brush piles is there is snow
Schweitzer Ed Center Workday
Restoration Day March 2nd
Burn brush piles
Schweitzer Ed Center Workday March 17th
Restoration Day April 6th (Lunch RSVP)
Schweitzer Ed Center Workday April 21st
Earth Day at Schweitzer April 23rd
Help plant Oaks, Native Shrubs
Restoration Day May 6th
Schweitzer Ed Center Workday April 21st
Earth Day at Schweitzer April 23rd
Help plant Oaks, Native Shrubs
Restoration Day June 1st
Schweitzer Ed Center Workday June 21st
Restoration Day July 6th
Schweitzer Ed Center Workday July 21st
Restoration Day August 3rd
Schweitzer Ed Center Workday August 18th

Dundee Rotary Club Planting Native Plants in
Bee Sanctuary - July 2021
Removal of the invasive Callery Pear Trees from south meadow. There are now 25 new Burr Oaks planted in this area. This winter the brush piles will be burned after first snow fall by June Keibler and her restoration crew. Come join us in future seed collecting, brush pile burns and eliminating invasive plants from across the oceans.
Pages and images are for the viewers pleasure and are not to be copied or reproduced without permission from Friends of the Fox River,
PO Box 5634, Elgin, Illinois 60121 p 815-356-6605
or Webmaster 815-355-4248
"Links contained in this file to information provided by other organizations are present as a service and niether constitute nor imply endorsement or warranty.
Kane County Forest Preserve is not connected in any form or way to this website. It was constructed by an individual who wants to share his personal research and
photography of nature.
Contact Webmaster for programs, educational programs

Rev 25 Feb 2022